Emotional Health & Wellbeing
Are you feeling blue?
Depression is a serious problem, and it can be even more serious when you have diabetes. People with diabetes are more likely to develop depression than many other people.
Watch for warning signs – if you are feeling down, hopeless, have lost your “get up and go”, or have less interest or pleasure from the things you used to enjoy; then talk to your doctor as soon as possible.
Take action to avoid depression – exercise regularly, schedule a fun activity every week, and spend time with people you like.
Have hope and take action – depression is treatable. There are medications and different forms of counselling available to help people recover.
If you have feelings of sadness or low mood click HERE for a link to the video “Big Black Dog” on Youtube.
Am I feeling confused or overwhelmed?
Many people feel confused or overwhelmed when they are diagnosed with diabetes. There are many things to learn about so please allow yourself time to learn. There are health care professionals to help you.
Am I feeling “sick and tired” of the diabetes routine?
Many people can feel “sick and tired” of the diabetes routine after years of managing their chronic disease. Health care professionals can help to provide guidance and support during these challenging times.
Click HERE to visit the South West Self- Management Program website to learn about their groups or on-line “Living Life with a Chronic Condition” courses.
Am I feeling stressed?
Many people with diabetes do not know that stress can affect their blood sugar. There are ways to manage stress such as walking, meditation and mindfulness.
As a caregiver, how do I cope when caring for someone with diabetes?
It is normal to feel overwhelmed at times when caring for someone with diabetes. Do not be embarrassed or afraid to ask for help. Family members are welcome to come to the Diabetes Education appointments on behalf of their family member if needed.
Where to get help?
Websites with information about depression, mental health and stress:
www.mindfulselfcompassion.org (podcasts re: meditation)
www.cmha.ca (The Canadian Mental Health Association)
www.jdrf.ca (The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation)
www.suicideprevention.ca (The Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention)
www.behavioraldiabetes.org (Behavioral Diabetes Institute)
www.diabetes.ca (The Canadian Diabetes Association)
Blogs/online support
Resources to call:
Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868
Mental Health Association Grey Bruce Crisis Line 1-877-470-5200
Your family physician
Your Diabetes Educator