Diabetic Foot Ulcer Clinic
Diabetic peripheral neuropathy increases the risk for foot ulcers and amputation. Due to nerve damage in feet and toes, people with diabetes who have diabetic peripheral neuropathy often do not notice minor cuts, sores, or blisters in these areas. If left untreated, these small wounds can easily become infected, lead to gangrene, and may eventually require amputation of the affected area.
The Diabetic Foot Ulcer Clinic at the Owen Sound hospital offers comprehensive assessment by our Nurse Practitioner and access to a multi-disciplinary team. This team provides wound care, off-loading devices at no charge to the patient and blood sugar management in order to assist with healing the wound. An offloading device is a type of cast that takes the pressure off the wound, allowing it to heal. For an appointment in the Diabetic Foot Ulcer Clinic, a referral is required from either your primary care practitioner, chiropodist or wound care nurse.